Secret of Evermore FAQs and Walkthroughs
Mystery Moogle's Walkthrough
Secret Of Evermore FAQ Version 2.0
By Mystery Moogle E-Mail Address:
Created On: October 1, 1999
It's a shame that people considered this game a flop, it wasn't all that
bad. So it didn't have all of the same things previous Square games
had- but it had it's own charms. Square fans really should give it a
chance. I am an avid Square RPG player, I have played SOE a few times,
and it has really grown on me. All Square fans owe it to themselves to
give it a second look.
1) Updates
2) Characters (Playable And Plot Movers)
3) Walkthrough List
4) Tough Spots
5) Alchemy Formulas
6) Alchemy Ingredient Prices And Locations
7) Shop List Complete With Prices
8) Armor List
9) Weapon List
10) Complete Item List (To My Knowledge)
11) Trading Information For Nobila And Gothica
12) Inn Prices
13) Bosses
14) Complete (To My Knowledge) Monster List
15) FAQ- Actual Questions I Have Been Asked
16) Odds And Ends
17) Author's Notes
18) Credits
1) Updates:
Created On: 10.1.99- No updates.
Version 2.0- Updated December 8, 1999- I have added a FAQ section of
actual questions I have been asked- I hope this helps with some of the
questions readers have.
2) Characters:
*Boy Hero (Refered to from now on as Jason)- When you first meet Jason,
he and his dog are coming out of a movie theatre in Podunk (Where DO
they come up with these names?!). His dog spots a cat, and like any
normal dog, starts to chase it. He leads you to Professor Ruffelberg's
abandoned mansion. After being warped to Evermore, Jason takes on the
task of saving Evermore and Ruffelberg's friends from Carltron- The
ultimate enemy of Secret Of Evermore.
*Dog (Refered to from now on as Ruminator)- Jason's faithful dog who
starts the game by chasing a cat into the Ruffelberg mansion. He and
Jason are warped to Evermore and take on the task of saving Evermore.
Ruminator seems to have an identity crisis throughout the game. He
begins as a hairy gray dog in Prehistoria, then changes to a skinny
white dog in Antiqua, and a pink poodle in Gothica, and strangest of
all- a walking toaster in Metroplex.
*Professor Ruffleberg- The man who created a machine that allowed a
person to live for a short time in a world of their own creation. But
something goes terrible wrong- and instead of being there for a few
hours, it turns into years. The Professor's world is Metroplex- a
futuristic world. Professor Ruffelberg (first name Sidney) can be
summoned by using a Call Bead and it allows you access to three of his
spells: Restore, Electra-Bolt, and Disrupt.
*Fire Eyes (Elizabeth)- One on the people involved in the Professor's
experiment. Elizabeth's world is Prehistoria. Fire Eyes can be
summoned by using a Call Bead and it allows you access to four of her
spells: Flare, Heat Wave, Storm, and Life Spark.
*Horace Highwater- One of the people involved in the Professor's
experiment. Horace's world is Antiqua/Crustacia. Horace can be summoned
by using a Call Bead and it allows you access to five of his spells:
Regenerate, Aura, Time Warp, First Aid, and Confound.
*Queen Bluegarden (Camellia)- One of the people involved in the
Professor's experiment. Camellia's world is Gothica. Camellia can be
summoned by using a Call Bead and it allows you access to four of her
spells: Plague, Hypnotize, Shock Wave, and Shield.
*Carltron- The ultimate enemy of Secret Of Evermore. He is originally
the Professor's butler robot, but he seems to have gotten a few wires
crossed. He tries to take over Evermore, but Jason and Ruminator foil
his plans.
*Evil Fire Eyes- Fire Eyes' evil twin. You meet her in the Volcano.
*Evil Horace Highwater- Horace's evil twin. You meet him after you
retrieve the Diamond Eyes. You can recognize him by the green clothing
he wears.
*Evil Queen Bluegarden- Camilla's evil twin. You meet her in the Ivor
Tower. She moves the people of Ebon Keep to the new clean Ivor Tower.
* Tinker Tinderbox- Helps you get to Omnitopia by building a rocket.
*Gomi- Tinker's brother. He is a lover of Dragons (and who can blame
him:) adn is trying to build a tower to the sky.
*Percival Plank- The man who runs the Cultural Oddities show in Ivor
*Chef Pierre- The carzy chef that wants to cook Ruminator while Jason is
dining in Ivor Tower.
*Blimp- The keeper of the Mud Peppers. You help him out in the
beginning of the game by killing the large snake Salabog that has taken
up residence in his Bog. As a reward for killing the snake, Blimp gives
you a Mud Pepper. You even meet up with him again in Antiqua.
*Tiny- Strong as an ox, and about as smart as one as well. Tiny helps
out a bit in the course of the game. Much later in the game you must
find him to retrieve the Diamond Eyes.
*Strong Heart- The alchemist of Fire Eyes' Village. He goes out one day
to collect ingredients in the Bugmuck and doesn't return (hmm... sounds
like a job for Jason....). He gives you the spells Cure and Miracle
*Number 2- Not sure much about him. You meet him in the Palace of
Nobila. he is talking with something in the wall, which he calls "Your
*Ghost Pirate- The Ghost will take you across the desert of Antiqua for
the price of one Amulet Of Annhilation.
*The Man That Gives You The Spell Fire Power And His Wife- The man's
wife fell down the air vents of Ivor Tower after she had gone blind, her
husband had not seen her since. You find them both in Ivor Tower. She
is of course in the Vent Maze (She also has the Queen's Key- which she
gives to Ruminator). You find him behind one of the locked doors of Ivor
*Lance- Treasure Hunter/Adventurer- You find him in the Town of Ivor
Tower. Talk to his wife, but DO NOT take the chests inside the house,
but DO walk upstairs. Lance will come upstairs and ask you if you
touched his tresure. Reply no (the game will automatically answer no
for you if you didn't touch the treasure). For having such restraint he
rewards you with the spell Lance and allows you take his treasure!
*The Oglin You Rescued- In the Dark Forest (if you can find him) he will
thank you for saving him and reward you with the Wizard's Coin.
*The Man Next To The Wall South Of Ivor Tower- He pulls you up out of
the well after you have defeated Aquagoth in the Oglin Cave.
*The Cat- The creature that started all of this mess. In Podunk after
Jason and Ruminator emerge from the theatre, Ruminatio sees the cat and
chases it to the Ruffelberg Mansion where Jason and Ruminator are
transported to the wonderful world of Evermore to save the world, end know, all of that hero stuff.
*The Priest In Nobila- The prophet of doom. Talk to him enough times
and eventually he will give you the option to change him into something.
Don't change him and he will reward you by giving you the Centurion
*Pompolonius: The man standing in the Column in the Calosseum in Nobila
when you fight Vigor. After the fight he gives you the Gladiator Sword.
*Madronius: Horac Highwater's Assistant. You meet him in Horace's Camp.
He is an alchemist and gives you the spells Revealer and Escape.
*Cecil: The Inn Keeper and Armor Salesman of Ebon Keep. Any Squaresoft
fan should remember him. Cecil of Final Fantasy 2?!?!?! He needs no
further description! He also gives you the Bazooka when you tell him
you know of his defeat of Zeromus.
*IM-L8: The captured robot guard on Omnitopia.
*I8-PI: The guard that asks you to find IM-L8. He also gives you the
alchemy spell Stop.
*Eronio- Assistant to Evil Queen Bluegarden.
3) Walkthrough List:
I feel no reason to make a long drawn out speach about what to do, where
to turn, and so on.... I am just making a list of where you need to be-
in case anyone gets stuck. That is the main reason for making a
walkthrough. You really need to try to play the game yourself. It
would take out all of the challenge if I told you exactly what to do.
1. Opening Scene- Movies, Ruminator chases cat, etc.......
2. Get transported to Evermore
3. Briefly meet Carltron
4. Find Bazooka
5. Be sent to Prehistoria
6. Ruminator finds Bone Crusher for you
7. Fight Raptors (Win or not, you got to Fire Eyes' village)
8. Meet Fire Eyes (Elizabeth)
9. Get Alchemy Formula Flash
10. Bugmuck
11. Get Jaguar Ring
12. Get Alchemy Formula Hard Ball
13. Bug maze
14. Fight Thraax
15. Receive Spider's Claw
16. Rescue Stron Heart
17. Get Alchemy Formula Acid Rain
18. Fire Eyes revisited
19. Get Alchemy Formula Defend (not from Fire Eyes- look around!).
Visit Strong Heart's Hut
21. Get Alchemy Formula Cure
22. Mammoth Graveyard
23. Fight Vipers and Viper Commander
24. Receive Horn Spear (Get it up to level 1- so you can throw it,
you'll need it!)
25. Alchemist Appears- Get Alchemy Formula Heal
26. Cave in the Volcano (Optional- but strongly recommended)
27. Fight Raptors x3
28. Get Dino Skin if you win
29. Go to top of Volcano- find alchemist
30. Get Alchemy Formula Levitate
31. Blimp's Bog
32. Fight Salabog
33. Meet Blimp
34. Receive Mud Pepper! (all of this for a darn plant!)
35. Volcano base
36. Levitate rock
37. Go inside Volcano (that one should be obvious!)
38. Use Levitate on any rocks blocking your path- you will find more
Mud Peppers
39. Find hidden alchemist- Get Alchemy Formula Speed
40. Fight Viper Commander- win last Mudd Pepper
41. Volcano Pipe Maze
42. Enter the drop with glowing switch
43. Step on switch- open door, go into it (duh!)
44. Meet Evil Fire Eyes
45. Fight Magmar
46. Get blown out of the Volcano and all the way to Crustacia/Antiqua
47. Explore ship- get new armor
48. Control switches to Ruminator- have him enter the palace
49. Back to Jason
50. Find Blimp, he creates a bridge
51. Cross desert
52. Find random alchemist on oasis- Get Alchemy Spell Sting
53. Nobilla
54. Explore market while you can
55. Meeting
56. Ruminator picks you to fight Vigor
57. Fight Vigor
58. Receive Gladiator Sword
59. Ruminator joins again!
60. Shop in the market (What to buy appears in Trading Information For
Nobilla And Gothica section)
61. Cross desert again
62. Horace Highwater's Camp
63. Meet Horace, he tells you of the Diamond Eyes
64. Get Alchemy Spell Revealer
65. Pyramid (further instructions appear in Tough Spots section)
66. Fight Son Of Ahnur x2
67. Receive Bronze Axe
68. Fight Rimsala
69. Receive 1st Diamond Eye
70. Return To Horace's Camp- Get Alchemy Spell Escape
71. Hall of Collosia (further instruscions appear in the Tough Spots
72. Fight Mini-Taur
73. Receive Bronze Spear
74. Get Alchemy Spell Fireball
75. Fight Mega-Taur
76. Receive 2nd Diamond Eye
77. From Horace's Camp- go toward Nobilla
78. Give Diamond Eyes to Evil Horace (We all know this isn't Horace- he
has terrible fashion sense!)
79. Fight Rogues
80. On the way to Nobilla- Get Alchemy Spell Drain
81. Cross desert
82. Nobilla Town Square
83. Fight Aegis
84. Cross desert
85. Go to the alchemist that gave you Drain- Get Alchemy Spell Double
86. Horace Highwater's Camp- Dried up river bed
87. Fall down Waterfall
88. Oglin Cave (Explained further in Tough Spots Section)
89. Fight Aquagoth
90. After Jason and Ruminator get pulled up from well, don't forget to
send the bucket down again for the Oglin (Don't worry, it's a good thing
to save him!)
91. Ivor Tower
92. Trade for some more stuff (What to buy is explained in Trading
Information For Nobilla And Gothica Section)
93. Trade for Exhibition Ticket
94. See Oddities Exhibition
95. Pig Race
96. Ivor Castle
97. Control switches to Ruminator
98. Vent maze (Explained further in Tough Spots Section)
99. Try to find key
100. Ruminator joins again
101. Dungeon (Escape of Course!!! What hero ever stayed locked up in a
102. Sewers of Ivor Tower
103. Get Alchemy Spell Corrosion
104. Talk with Queen Bluegarden
105. If you got the Key, Get Alchemy Spell Fire Power
106. Chessboard
107. Fight Foot Knight
108. Dark Forest (Explained further in Tough Spots Secteion)
109. Explore and find Old Man- Get Alchemy Spell One Up
110. Defeat Bad Boy x3
111. Receive Crusader Sword
112. Find Oglin and get Wizard's Coin
113. Fight Timber Drake
114. Receive Lance
115. Sewers of Ebon Keep
116. Once in Ebon Keep- See Cecil (Remember, the one from Final Fantasy
2?) in the Weapon Shop
117. Get Bazooka
118. Castle Of Ebon Keep
119. Fight Verminator (He's cute, isn't he???)
120. Meet the REAL Queen Bluegarden aka: Camilla (Aren't you getting a
bit sick of this Evil Twin business?????)
121. From the Queen's Room- go to Tinker's Tower
122. Fight Stained Glass Windows
123. Meet Tinker
124. Get Alchemy Spell Explosion
125. Get Alchemy Spell Slow Burn
126. Receive Knight Basher
127. Gomi's Tower (Now, this doesn't look to safe, does it?)
128. Fight Sterling (Now, I think he's REALLY CUTE!!!!!!!!!- So I have a
thing for dragons... so what?)
129. Get Alchemy Spell Lightning Storm
130. Hop a ride on Sterling (Just love that dragon!)
131. Back to Ivor Tower
132. Puppet show room
133. Fight Mephista and Old Nick twice
134. Fight Mephista and Old Nick again (Don't they ever die???!!!) with
135. The Evil Queen Bluegarden defeats herself (those Evil Twins never
136. Back to Ebon Keep (Everyone has moved back here!)
137. Visit Tinker
138. Get Windwalker!
139. Back to Prehistoria
140. Back to the Bug Maze
141. Fight Coeloptera
142. Receive Wheel!
143. Volcano Path- air vents
144. Receive Gauge
145. Visit Strong Heart
146. Get Alchemy Spell Miracle Cure
147. Nobilla- Palace
148. Talk to Horace
149. Get Alchemy Formula Barrier
150. Pyramid- the new section that is reached through drained river bed
(explained further in the Tough Spots Section)
151. Find Tiny
152. Receive the Diamond Eyes
153. Back to Tinker in Ebon Keep
154. Take off to Omnitopia
155. Fight Raptor
156. Receive Neutron Blade
157. Explore further and Get Alchemy Spells Stop and Forcefield
158. Ruffelberg's Lab
159. Meet Professor Ruffelberg
160. Receive Laser Lance
161. Get in Escape Pod
162. Back to Tinker's Tower in Ebon Keep
163. Receive Aton Smasher
164. Get Alchemy Spell Nitro
165. Chessboard- new opening
166. Retrieve Energy Core
167. Find man at bottom of the stairs- Get Alchemy Spell Reflect
168. Back to Omnitopia- Junkyard, Computer
169. Fight Fans, Speakers
170. Fight TOO MANY Raptors!
171. Fight Rimsala's Amulets
172. Fight Bad Dog/Bad Boy
173. Fight Metal Magmar
175. Fight Carltron's Robot
4) Tough Spots
1. Jason steps on switch
2. Switch control to Ruminator
3. Send Ruminator inside
4. Switch control back to Jason
5. Jason goes up the stairs and into the first door
6. Back to Ruminator
7. Step on bottom left switch
8 Back to Jason
9. Walk to the door Ruminator opened
10. Continue on until you exit on the top part of the Pyramid
11. Walk down the steps
12. Go in the door
13. Back to Ruminator
14. Step on the switch directly up from the one you are on
15. Back to Jason
16. Walk until you get blocked by a gate
17. Back to Ruminator
18. Step on the first switch again (bottom left)
19. Back to Jason
20. Enter room
21. Fight Son Of Anhur x2
22. Receive Bronze Axe
23. Break down the next cracked wall you come to
24. Save your game with the man in this room
25. Walk down
26. Break down the cracked wall (the one where you can see Ruminator on
the other side)
27. Go back to the top of the Pyramid
28. Switch control to Ruminator
29. Have Ruminator stand on one of the switchs
30. Switch control to Jason
31. Have Jason stand on the other switch
32. Walk in and Fight Rimsala for the 1st Diamond Eye
1. Go to the top of the room
2. Use the Alchemy Spell Revealer on the right side of the big pit
3. Cross the bridge and save your game
4. Cross back to the other side
5. Use the Alchemy Spell Revealer on the left side of the big pit
6. Step on the switch
7. Go into the door across the pit on the left side of the room
8. Make your way to the top right corner
9. Hit the switch with a weapon
10. Make your way to the TEMPORARY bridge as fast as you can
11. Hit the switch on the other side with a weapon
12. Go down until you find another switch
13. Go back across the first bridge again, running as FAST as you can!
14. Go back to the main room
15. I recommend saving once again
16. Now, go into the bottom right door
17. Fight Mini-Taur
18. After he is defeated, step on the switch that appears
19. Go into the bottom left door
20. Continue right until you came to 3 switches on the floor
21. Press them in order from left to right
22. Go through the door that opens in front of you.
23. Run across the wooden bridge AS FAST AS YOU CAN! It crumbles under
your weight. If you don't make it the first time, you don' have to
start over, it will let you try again on the beginning side of the
wooden bridge
24. Go down until you come to a room with 6 switches on the floor
25. Step on all of them in any order
26. Continue up until you come to another switch that activates and
elevetor, get on it
27. Main room again
28. Go in the top right door
29. Press the switch you see and cross the temp bridge
30. Go up until you find another switch, press it and continue right
31. Press the next switch you see
32. Go to the top right corner
33. Once you reach what seems to be a dead end, use the Alchemy Spell
34. Cross the bridge that forms and continue down until you find an open
35. Kill the Super Monk (Looks like a regular Monk to me...)
36. Receive the Bronze Spear
37. There is a secret passage in this area- explore, you'll find it.
38. Back to the main room
39. Save your game again
40. Equip the Bronze Spear and go up to the pit
41. Throw the spear at the switch on the other side
42. Walk across the bridge
43. Fight Mega-Taur for the 2nd Diamond Eye
1. Jump off the waterfall near Horace highwater's camp
2. Once you land, step on the tile and disappear
3. Once you reappear, follow the path right and skip the next tile you
4. Go down and leave the room
5. Follow the path right and then up
6. Continue up until you reach and area with water on all but one side
of you, step on the warp tile here.
7. When you reappear, move left and skip the first tile you see-
continue left
8. Go up when you reach the next room- Go right, and then right again
and then NE until you see a pot on the other side of the room
9. Go down until you reach another tile, step on it
10. You will now be next to the pot you saw earlier. Get it and go left
11. Exit up and get ready to fight Aquagoth
I haven't found the Alchemy Spell Fire Power, or the Key to Ivor Tower
yet. But I'll update the FAQ when I figure it out.
1. From the Kitchen, enter the vent
2. Go left
3. Go up
4. Go left
5. Go up
6. Go left
7. Go down
8. Go left
9. Use the vent to enter the maze again
10. Balcony- top door
11. Enter the vent, back to the maze
12. Go right
13. Go up
14. Go right
15. Go down
16. Go right
17. Pop back up into a room
18. Fall into vent behind bookcase
19. Go down
20. Go right
21. Go down
22. Go right
23. Go up
24. Go right
25. Pop up in another room
26. Balcony- Bottom door
27. Fall into vent, back into maze
28. Go up
29. Go left
30. Go down
31. Crash the dinner... etc....
1. Save your game before entering the woods
2. Remember- the correct path is lined with black greebles (usually)
3. Go down
4. Go left
5. Go up
6. Go left
7. Go down
8. Go left
9. Go down
10. Go right
11. Go up
12. Go right
13. Go down
14. Go right
15. Go down
16. Go left
17. Go down
18. Go right
19. Go down
20. Go right
21. Go up
22. Go right
23. Go down
24. Go right
25. Go up
26. Go right
27. Go down
28. Go right
29. Exit
30. Black Greebles become Bad Boy x3
31. After Bad Boys
32. Cross the bridge, save the game with the boy on the other side
33. Next section of the forest
34. Go right
35. Go down
36. Go right
37. Go up
38. Go right
39. Go up
40. Go left
41. Go up
42. Go right
43. Go down
44. Go right
45. Go up
46. Go right
47. Go up
48. Go left
49. Go up and exit
50. Fight Timber Drake (Another one of those CUTE dragons!!!!!)
1. Go inside the cave of the drained river bed
2. Step on the tile
3. Levitate the rock you come to onto the switch
4. Jason should stand on one of the empty switches
5. Ruminator should stand on the last switch
6. Go through the middle door
7. Tiny is in the center of the Pyramid, he tells you the oglins are
his friends (How touching.... ICK!!!!!!)
8. Use the first tile you came to to warp
9. Whatever tile you reappear on, go back onto it
10. Continue to do this until you reach Tiny
11. He gives you the Diamond Eyes when you finally reach him
5) Alchemy Formulas-
*Acid Rain 3 Parts Water 1 Part Ash
(Attacks enemy with Acid Rain Storm- received after the defeat of Thraax
from a hidden man on the rock ledges)
*Atlas 1 Part Ash 1 Atlas Amulet
(Jason or Ruminator get additional strength- received in Nobila behind
the crates in the Item Salesman's Store)
*Barrier 2 Parts Bone 1 Part Limestone
(Creates a shield- Received in Nobila's Palace from Horace)
*Call Up 1 Part Dry Ice 1 Part Meteorite
(Allows you to create additional Call Beads- received on Metroplex from
Professor Ruffelberg)
*Corrosion 1 Part Mushroom 3 Parts Water
(Acid Storm- received in the Ivor Tower Sewers)
*Crush 1 Part Limestone 1 Part Wax
(A Large Fist Crushes Enemy- received at Blimp's Place in Antiqua)
*Cure 1 Part Oil 2 Parts Root
(Cures Status Ailments- received from Strong Heart after saving him)
*Defend 1 Part Ash 1 Part Clay
(Increases Defense- received from a man in the hidden area of Fire Eyes'
*Double Drain 2 Parts Ethanol 2 Parts Vinegar
(Takes away an enemies Hit Points and gives them to You- received from a
man near Horace's Camp, just break down the wall with the Bronze
*Drain 1 Part Ethanol 2 Parts Root
(Takes away an enemies Hit Points and gives them to You- received from a
man near Horace's Camp, just break down the wall with the
Bronze Axe, after the defeat of Aegis)
*Energize 1 Part Crystal 1 Part Iron
(Increases Jason or Ruminator's attack- received on Omnitopia after
getting the Energy Core from the Chessboard)
*Escape 1 Part Vinegar 1 Part Wax
(Allows Jason and Ruminator to escape a dungeon- received after
retrieving one of the Diamond Eyes, at Horace's Camp)
*Explosion 1 Part Ash 2 Parts Ethanol
(Barrier Destroying Spell- received in Tinker's Lab in Ebon Keep)
*Fireball 1 Part Brimstone 2 Parts Ash
(A Ball Of Fire Atttacks Enemy- received in the Hall of Colossia from
Madronius's Brother)
*Fire Power 1 Part Brimstone 1 Part Feather
(A Damaging Fire Attack- recieved from the man locked behind one of the
doors in Ivor Tower, you need the Queen's Key)
*Flash 2 Parts Oil 1 Part Wax
(A Small Ball Of Fire Attacks Enemy- received from Fire Eyes' when you
visit her)
*Force Field 1 Part Grease 1 Part Iron
(Protects Jason and Ruminator from the next attack- received from the
guards on Omnitopia after saving one of them)
*Hard Ball 1 Part Clay 1 Part Crystal
(Attacks Enemy With A Hard Ball Of Mud- received from the man in the
cave of the Bugmuck)
*Heal 1 Part Water 1 Part Root
(Restores Some of Jason's and or Ruminator's Hit Points- received after
the defeat of the Vipers in the Mammoth Graveyard, a man gives it
to you)
*Lance 1 Part Acorn 1 Part Iron
(Throws A Hard Projectile At The Enemy- received from Lance at his
home in Ivor Tower)
*Levitate 1 Part Mud Pepper 1 Part Water
(Lifts Heavy Rocks- received from the man on top of the Volcano)
*Lightning Storm 2 Parts Ash 1 Part Iron
(Attacks With A Storm Of Lightining- received from Gomi after the defeat
of Sterling)
*Miracle Cure 2 Parts Root 1 Part Vinegar
(Cures Status Aliments And Recovers Some Hit Points- received from
Strong Heart once you get the Windwalker)
*Nitro 2 Parts Grease 1 Part Gunpowder
(Enemy Is Attacked With A Huge Explosion- received in Tinker's Tower)
*One Up 1 Part Feather 1 Part Root
(Need Description- received from a man in the Dark Forest)
*Reflect 2 Parts Grease 1 Part Iron
(Repels Magic- received from the alchemist at the end of the stairs
where you get the Energy core in the Chessboard)
*Regrowth 1 Part Acorn 2 Parts Water
(Gradually Recovers Jason or Ruminator's Hit Points- received from a
woman in the back of one of the houses of Ebon Keep)
*Revealer 2 Parts Ash 1 Part Wax
(Turns Hidden Paths Visible- received from Horace when you first meet
*Revive 1 Part Bone 3 Parts Root
(Revives Ruminator- received from Blimp once you recover Ruminator)
*Slow Burn 1 Part Brimstone 1 Part Iron
(Drains Enemy Hit Points Slowly- received in Tinker's Tower)
*Speed 1 Part Wax 2 Parts Water
(Need Description- recieved from a man inside the Viper's Volcano)
*Sting 1 Part Vinegar 2 Parts Water
(Attack Stings Enemy- received by a random alchemist in the Antiqua
*Stop 1 Part Crystal 2 Parts Wax
(Stops Enemy From Attacking- received from the robot guard on Omnitopia)
*Super Heal 1 Part Acorn 2 Parts Ethanol
(Recovers The Hit Points of Both Jason And Ruminator- Given to you by a
boy in Ebon Keep if you can win his game)
6) Alchemy Ingredients- Where To Buy Them And How Much
I decided to only list how much an item is in the particular place you
buy the ingredients in. You'll have to convert your money to the
correct tender anyhow. What is the point?
Water- 5 @ 30 Talons
Crystal- 5 @ 60 Talons
Wax- 5 @ 60 Talons
Oil- 5 @ 60 Talons
Clay- 5 @ 30 Talons
Water- 5 @ 20 Talons
Ash- 5 @ 50 Talons
Wax- 5 @ 80 Talons
Crystal- 5 @ 60 Talons
Wax- 5 @ 50 Talons
Clay- 5 @ 30 Talons
Ash- 5 @ 50 Talons
Water- 5 @ 40 Talons
Water- 5 @ 30 Talons
Oil- 5 @ 60 Talons
Root- 5 @ 60 Talons
Wax- 5 @ 80 Talons
Ash- 5 @ 60 Talons
Water- 5 @ 60 Talons
Crystal- 5 @ 80 Talons
Oil- 5 @ 100 Talons
Wax- 5 @ 120 Talons
Wax- 5 @ 100 Talons
Water- 5 @ 40 Talons
Vinegar- 5 @ 90 Talons
Oil- 5 @ 80 Talons
Root- 5 @ 50 Talons
Mud Pepper- 5 @ 300 Jewels
Ash- 5 @ 60 Jewels
Crystal- 5 @ 80 Jewels
Bone- 5 @ 120 Jewels
Limestone- 5 @ 120 Jewels
Water- 5 @ 40 Jewels
Oil- 5 @ 60 Jewels
Wax- 5 @ 60 Jewels
Root- 5 @ 60 Jewels
Wax- 5 @ 100 Jewels
Ethanol- 5 @ 100 Jewels
Water- 5 @ 50 Jewels
Vinegar- 5 @ 100 Jewels
Ash- 5 @ 60 Jewels
Brimstone- 5 @ 180 Jewels
Root- 5 @ 50 Jewels
Wax- 5 @ 50 Jewels
Oil- 5 @ 60 Jewels
Wax- 5 @ 80 Gold Coins
Crystal- 5 @ 160 Gold Coins
Iron- 5 @ 150 Gold Coins
Grease- 5 @ 80 Gold Coins
Clay- 5 @ 60 Gold Coins
Water- 5 @ 50 Gold Coins
Wax- 5 @ 80 Gold Coins
Acorn- 5 @ 100 Gold Coins
Root- 5 @ 80 Gold Coins
Mushroom- 5 @ 250 Gold Coins
Acorn- 5 @ 50 Gold Coins
Water- 5 @ 35 Gold Coins
Clay- 5 @ 30 Gold Coins
Ash- 5 @ 50 Gold Coins
Iron- 5 @ 120 Gold Coins
Ethanol- 5 @ 60 Gold Coins
Acorn- 5 @ 120 Gold Coins
Ash- 5 @ 60 Gold Coins
Crystal- 5 @ 80 Gold Coins
Wax- 5 @ 60 Gold Coins
Brimstone- 5 @ 150 Gold Coins
Ethanol- 5 @ 100 Gold Coins
Acorn- 5 @ 120 Gold Coins
Ash- 5 @ 60 Gold Coins
Brimstone- 5 @ 160 Gold Coins
Iron- 5 @ 180 Gold Coins
Root- 5 @ 80 Gold Coins
Mushroom- 5 @ 300 Gold Coins
Feather- 5 @ 1000 Gold Coins
Iron- 5 @ 180 Gold Coins
Ethanol- 5 @ 100 Gold Coins
Oil- 5 @ 80 Gold Coins
Brimstone- 5 @ 150 Gold Coins
Iron- 5 @ 120 Gold Coins
Feather- 5 @ 1000 Gold Coins
Acorn- 5 @ 120 Gold Coins
Feather- 5 @ 2000 Credits
Iron- 5 @ 360 Credits
Gunpowder- 5 @ 3000 Credits
Root- 5 @ 160 Credits
Ethanol- 5 @ 200 Credits
Oil- 5 @ 160 Credits
Mushroom- 5 @ 600 Credits
7) Shop List- Prices, etc....
Pixie Dust- 150 Talons
Petals- 15 Talons
Essence- 15 Talons
Dog Biscuit- 50 Talons
Grass Vest- 120 Talons
Grass Hat- 120 Talons
Vine Bracelet- 180 Talons
Leather Collar- 250 Talons
Claw Guard- 500 Talons
Leather Collar- 300 Talons
Dino Skin- 450 Talons
Dino Helm- 650 Talons
Petals- 20 Talons
Nectar- 200 Talons
Essence- 20 Talons
Dog Biscuit- 60 Talons
Pixie Dust- 150 Talons
Shell Hat- 300 Talons
Mammoth Guard- 350 Talons
Shell Plate- 300 Talons
Petals- 30 Talons
Nectar- 200 Talons
Pixie Dust- 200 Talons
Essence- 25 Jewels
Nectar- 35 Jewels
Dog Biscuit- 40 Jewels
Bronze Helmet- 450 Jewels
Serpent Bracer- 450 Jewels
Spiky Collar- 450 Jewels
Bronze Armor- 500 Jewels
Essence- 30 Jewels
Dog Biscuit- 40 Jewels
Wings- 50 Jewels
Pixie Dust- 125 Jewels
Nectar- 40 Jewels
Honey- 300 Jewels
Iron Bracer- 600 Gold Coins
Silver Mail- 450 Gold Coins
Titan's Crown- 600 Gold Coins
Defender Collar- 450 Gold Coins
Wings- 50 Gols Coins
Essence- 30 Gold Coins
Pixie Dust- 150 Gold Coins
Nectar- 20 Gold Coins
Honey- 40 Gold Coins
Dog Biscuit- 40 Gold Coins
Knight's Helm- 950 Gold Coins
Defender Collar- 450 Gold Coins
Dragon's Claw- 950 Gold Coins
Shining Armor- 900 Gold Coins
Magna Mail- 9,000 Credits
Lightning Helm- 9,000 Credits
Cyberglove- 9,600 Credits
Spot's Collar- 6,000 Credits
-Bazooka Ammo-
10 Thunder Balls- 300 Credits
10 Partacle Bombs- 600 Credits
10 Cyro-Blasts- 1,000 Credits
Essence- 90 Credits
Pixie Dust- 450 Credits
Honey- 120 Credits
Dog Biscuit- 120 Credits
Wings- 150 Credits
Virtual Vest- 14,400 Credits
Brainstorm- 13,200 Credits
Virtual Glove- 14,000 Credits
Spot's Collar- 6,000 Credits
8) Armor List
*Virtual Vest- 169 Defense
(Can be purchased in Professor Ruffelberg's Lab for 14,400 Credits)
*Titanium Vest- 124 Defense
(Can be found in Metroplex)
*Magna Mail- 94 Defense
(Can be purchased at Metroplex for 9,000 Credits)
*Shining Armor- 73 Defense
(Can be purchased in Cecil's Armor Shop At Ebon Keep for 900 Gold Coins)
*Gold Plated Vest- 55 Defense
(Can be found at Lance's House in Ivor Tower NO NOT TAKE IT WITHOUT
FIRST SPEAKING TO LANCE, OR it can be purchased from a street
vendor in Ivor Tower for 1 Amulet of Annhilation + 700 Gold Coins)
*Silver Mail- 40 Defense
(Can be purchased at the Inn/Weapon Shop in Ivor Tower for 450 Gold
*Centurian Cape- 28 Defense
(Can be traded for in Nobila, the price is 1 Jade Disk OR it can be
given to you by the priest in Nobila, see Characters Section)
*Stone Vest- 19 Defense
(Can be traded for in Nobila, the price is 1 Jeweled Scarab)
*Bronze Armor- 12 Defense
(Can be purchased from the Rogue Salesman on the ship in Crustacia for
500 Jewels)
*Dino Skin- 7 Defense
(Can be purchased in Fire Eyes' Village from the Armor Salesman AFTER
you complete Blimp's Bog for 450 Talons OR you can win it by
beating the Raptors in the Raptor Cave near the Volcano Air Vents)
*Shell Plate- 4 Defense
(Can be purchased from the Armor Salesman before the Volcano for 300
*Grass Vest- 3 Defense
(Can be purchased in Fire Eyes' Village from the Armor Salesman BEFORE
you complete Blimp's Bog for 120 Talons OR it can be given to you
by a man in Fire Eyes' Village if you defeat the Raptors in the
beginning of the game)
*Brainstorm- 144 Defense
(Can be purchased in Professor Ruffelberg's Lab for 13,200 Credits)
*Old Reliable- 117 Defense
(Can be found in Metroplex)
*Lightning Helm- 93 Defense
(Can be purchased on Metroplex from a vending machine for 9,000 Credits)
*Knight's Helm- 72 Defense
(Can be purchased in from Cecil's Armor Shop In Ebon Keep for 950 Gold
*Dragon Helm- 54 Defense
(Can be purchased from a street vendor in Ivor Tower for the price of 1
Amulet Of Annhilation + 700 Gold Coins)
*Titan's Crown- 39 Defense
(Can be purchased in the Inn/Armor shop of Ebon Keep for 600 Gold Coins)
*Centurian Helm- 27 Defense
(Can be traded for in Nobila, the price is 10 jars of Spice + 1 Golden
*Obsidian Helm- 18 Defense
(Can be traded for in Nobila, the price is 10 jars of Spice)
*Bronze Helmet- 11 Defense
(Can be purchased from the Rogue Salesman on the ship in Crutstacia for
450 Jewels)
*Dino Helm- 6 Defense
(Can be purchased from the Armor Salesman in Fire Eyes' Village AFTER
you complete Blimp's Bog for 650 Talons)
*Shell Hat- 3 Defense
(Can be purchased from the Armor Salesman before the Volcano for 300
*Grass Hat- 2 Defense
(Can be purchased from the Armor Salesman in Fire Eyes' Village BEFORE
completing Blimp's Bog for 120 Talons)
*Virtual Glove- 122 Defense
(Can be purchased in Professor Ruffelberg's Lab for 14,400 Credits)
*Protector Ring- 101 Defense
(Can be found on Metroplex)
*Cyberglove- 82 Defense
(Can be purchased from a vending machine on Metroplex for 9,600 Credits)
*Dragon's Claw- 65 Defense
(Can be purchased at Cecil's Armor Shop in Ebon Keep for 950 Gold Coins)
*Magician's Ring- 50 Defense
(Can be traded for in Ivor Tower for a price of 1 Amulet of Annhilation
+ 750 Gold Coins)
*Iron Bracer- 37 Defense
(Can be purchased from the Inn/Armor shop of Ivor Tower for 600 Gold
*Gloves Of Ra- 26 Defense
(Can be traded for in Nobila, the price is 1 Moxa Stick)
*Bronze Gauntlet- 17 Defense
(Can be traded for in Nobila, the price is 1 Souvenier Spoon + 2
*Serpent Bracer- 10 Defense
(Can be purchased from the Rogue Salesman on the ship in Crustacia for
450 Jewels)
*Claw Guard- 5 Defense
(Can be purchased from the Armor Salesman in Fire Eyes' Village AFTER
you have completed Blimp's Bog for 500 Talons)
*Mammoth Guard- 2 Defense
(Can be purchased from the Armor Salesman near the Volcano for 350
Talons OR you can find one outside of the Bug Maze after the defeat
of Thraax in a gourd on the rock ledges)
*Vine Bracelet- 1 Defense
(Can be purchased from the armor salesman in Fire Eyes' Village BEFORE
you complete Blimp's Bog for 180 Talons)
*Spot's Collar- 135 Defense
(Can be purchased on Metroplex in a vending machine for 6,000 Credits)
*Defender Collar- 86 Defense
(Can be purchased from the Armor Salesman in Ivor Tower for 450 Gold
Coins OR one can be won by defeating all of the monsters in the
Ivor Tower Prison as the dog (don't let the boy out)
*Spiky Collar- 42 Defense
(Can be purchased from the Rogue Salesman on the ship in Crustacia for
450 Jewels)
*Leather Collar- 5 Defense
(Can be purchased from the armor salesman in Fire Eyes' Village BEFORE
Blimp's Bog for 250 Talons and AFTER Blimp's Bog for 300 Talons)
9) Weapon List
Cyro-Blast Shells- 800 Attack Power
Particle Bomb- 350 Attack Power
Thunder Balls- 200 Attack Power
Horn Spear- 20 Attack Power
(Received after defeating the Vipers at the Mammoth Graveyard)
Bronze Spear- 30 Attack Power
(Received in the Hall Of Colossia)
Lance- 40 Attack Power
(Received after the defeat of Timber Drake in the Dark Forest)
Laser Lance- 50 Attack Power
(Received on Metroplex)
Bone Crusher- 10 Attack Power
(The weapon you begin the game with, Ruminator finds it for you)
Gladiator Sword- 20 Attack Power
(Received after the defeat of Vigor in Nobila)
Crusader Sword- 30 Attack Power
(Received after the defeat of Bad Boys x3 in the Dark Forset)
Neutron Blade- 50 Attack Power
(Received on Omnitopia)
Spider's Claw- 15 Attack Power
(Received after the defeat of Thraax in the Bug Maze)
Bronze Axe- 25 Attack Power
(Received in the Pyramid after the defeat of Son Of Anhur x2)
Knight Basher- 35 Attack Power
(Received in Tinker's Tower)
Atom Smasher- 50 Arttack Power
(Received in Tinker's Tower AFTER Omnitopia)
10) Complete Item List (To My Knowledge)
*Acorn- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Lance, Regrowth, and Super
Heal. Can only be purchased in Gothica. Prices range from 50-120 Gold
*Amulet Of Annhilation- Item used for trading in Nobila and Gothica.
Price starts out at
30 bags of Rice per Amulet, but he can be talked down. I don't
recommend this- he won't trade with you once you do.
*Armor Polish- This Charm increases the effectiveness of your armor.
Price in Nobila is 1 Silver Sheath + 75 Jewels.
*Ash- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Atlas, Defend, Explosion,
Fireball, Lightning Storm, and Revealer. Can be
purchased in Prehistoria- prices ranging from 50-60
Talons; in Antiqua for 60 Jewels; in Gothica- prices ranging from 50-60
Gold Coins; it
can not be purcahsed on Omnitopia.
*Atlas Amulet- Alchemy ingredient used in formula Atlas. Can only be
purchased in Nobila for 100 Jewels (Starting price).
*Beads- Item for trading in Nobila or Gothica. Prices range from 10
Jewels to 12 Jewels to 1 bag of rice + 3 Jewels.
*Bone- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Barrier and Revive. Can only
be purchased in Antiqua from Blimp. Price is 120 Jewels.
*Brimstone- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Fireball, Fire Power,
and Slow Burn. Can be purchased in
Antiqua from Horace's Assistant for 100 Jewels; in
Gothica- prices ranging from 150-160 Gold Coins. It can not be
purchased in Prehistoria or
*Ceramic Pots- Item used for trading in Nobila. Price is 2 bags of Rice
*Chickens- Item used for trading in Nobila. Price 1 jar of Spice + 2
bags of Rice.
*Chocobo Egg- Increases Jason's (And Ruminator's???) Maximum Hit Points.
Price in Gothica 9 bottles
of Perfume + 9 Beads.
*Clay- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Defend and Hard Ball. Can be
purchased in Prehistoria- prices are about 30
Talons; in Gothica prices range from 30-60 Gold
Coins. It can not be purchased in Antiqua or Omnitopia.
*Crystal- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Energize, Hard Ball, and
Stop. Can be purchased in Prehistoria-
prices range from 60-80 Talons; In Antiqua it can only
be purchased from Blimp for 80 Jewels; in Gothica- prices ranging from
80-60 Gold Coins. It can not be purchased
on Omnitopia.
*Diamond Eyes- Rare Item. In the first part of the game, each Diamond
Eye is hidden in a seperate place. One is in
the Pyramid and one is in the Hall of Colossia.
Later, they are taken from you by Evil Horace. Later on, Tiny has them
in the dried up River Bed Cave part of the Pyramid. Give them to Tinker
so he can send you to Omnitopia.
*Dog Biscuit- Brings Ruminator back to life.
*Dry Ice- Alchemy ingredient used in the formula Call Up. It is rumored
that it can be purchased on Omnitopia,
however, I have never confirmed this. Once I find it
out for sure, I will post an update.
*Energy Core- Rare Item. Use it at the end of the game to get to
Carltron. Found in the 2nd
entrance to the Chessboard in Gothica.
*Ethanol- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Drain, Double Drain,
Explosion, and Super Heal. Can be purchased in Antiqua for 100 Jewels;
in Gothica- prices ranging from 60-100 Gold
Coins; on Omnitopia for 200 Credits. It can not be purchased
in Prehistoria.
*Feather- Alchemy ingredient used in Fire Power and One Up. Can be
purchased in Gothica for 100 Gold coins and
on Omnitopia for 2000 Credits. It can not be
purchased in Prehistoria or Antiqua.
*Fish- Item that can be purchased in Nobila. Price 30 Jewels each. Eat
one and recover Hit Points.
*Gauge- Rare Item. This is given to Tinker by you so you can go to
Omnitopia. It is found in the air vent
area of the Volcano
*Golden Jackal- Item used for trading in Nobila. Price is 5 jars of
Spice OR 2 Chickens.
*Grease- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Forcefield, Nitro, and
Reflect. Can be purchased
in Gothica ONLY for 80 Gold Coins.
*Gunpowder- Alchemy ingredient used in the formula Nitro. This
ingredient can ONLY be purchased on Omnitopia for 3000 Credits.
*Honey- Recovers Hit Points (Not sure)
*Insect Incense- This Charm is supposed to repel Spiders and Mosquitos,
it never works for me,
though. Price in Gothica is 3 bottles of Perfume + 3 Beads.
*Iron- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Energize, Forcefield, Lance,
Lightning Storm, Reflect, and Slow Burn. Can
be purchased in Gothica- prices ranging from 120-180
Gold Coins and on Omnitopia for 360 Credits. It can not be purchased in
Prehistoria or Antiqua.
*Jade Disk- Increases Jason's(And Ruminator's???) chance to hit his
target. Price in Nobila is 3 Chickens + 3 Beads.
*Jaguar Ring- This Charm allows you to sprint short distances. It is
given to you by the man in the
Bugmuck who sells items. All you have to do is buy one thing
from him, any one thing you want.
*Jeweled Scarab- Item used for trading in Nobila and Gothica. Price is
1 jar of Spice + 2
bottles of Perfume.
*Limestone- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Crush and Barrier. Can
ONLY be purchased from Blimp in
Antiqua for 120 Jewels.
*Limestone Tablet- Item used for trading in Nobila. Price is 4 jars of
Spice + 2 Beads each.
*Magic Gourd- This Charm has unknown powers. Price in Nobila is 1
Chocobo Egg.
*Meteorite- Alchemy ingredient used in the formula Call Up. To my
knowledge, this ingredient can not be
*Moxa Stick- This Charm makes healing formulas and items more effective.
Price in Nobila is 2 Chickens
+ 1 Jeweled Scarab OR 12 jars of Spice.
*Mud Pepper- Alchemy ingredient used in the formula Levitate. Can ONLY
be purchased from Blimp in
Antiqua for 300 Jewels.
*Mushroom- Alchemy ingredient used in the formula Corrosion. Can be
purchased in Gothica- prices range
from 250-300 Gold Coins and on Omnitopia for 600
Credits. It can not be purchased in Prehsitoria or Antiqua.
*Nectar- Recovers 200 Hit Points (Check This)
*Oil- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Cure and Flash. Can be
purchased in Prehistoria- prices ranging from 60-100
Talons; in Antiqua for 60 Jewels; Gothica for 80 Gold
Coins and on Omnitopia for 160 Credits.
*Oracle Bone- This Charm is supposed to give you extra clues from
certain people. I've
never seen it work. Price in Gothica is 1 Golden Jackal + 1 Jeweled
*Perfume- Item used for trading in Nobila. Price 3 jars of Spice each.
*Petals- Recover 40 Hit Points for Jason or Ruminator.
*Pixie Dust- (Not Sure)
*Queen's Key- Rare Item. It is used to open doors in Ivor Tower.
Ruminator finds a woman in the Vent Maze of Ivor
Tower and she gives it to him.
*Rice- Item used to trade in Nobila. Prices range from 3-9 Jewels.
*Root- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Heal, Drain, Cure, Miracle
Cure, One Up, and Revive. Can be purchased in Prehistoria- prices
ranging from 50-60 Talons; Antiqua- prices ranging
from 50-60 Jewels; Gothica for 80 Gold Coins, and on
Omnitopia for 160 Credits.
*Ruby Heart- This Charm lowers an enemies chance of hitting Jason.
Price in Nobila is 1
Moxa Stick OR 1 Jeweled Scarab + 1 Limestone Tablet + 1 Tapestry.
*Silver Sheath- This Charm will increase the strength of Swords. Price
in Nobila is 1 Sun Stone OR
1 Golden Jackal + 10 jars of Spice.
*Souvenier Spoon- Item used for trading in Nobila. Price- 2 jars of
Spice each.
*Spice- Item used for trading in Nobila. Prices range from 20 Jewels,
to 2 Beads + 3 Ceramic Pots, to 4 bags
of Rice OR 4 Ceramic Pots.
*Staff Of Life- This Charm increases Jason's defense against enemy
attacks. Horace gives
you this after you fight Aegis.
*Sun Stone- This Charm gives Jason more Strength. Price in Nobila is 1
Limestone Tablet + 5 bags of Rice.
*Tapestry- Item used for trading in Nobila. Price is 3 Beads each.
*Thug's Cloak- This Charm allows Jason to better evade attacks. Price
in Gothica is 8 bottles of
Perfume and + 6 Beads.
*Vinegar- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Escape, Double Drain,
Miracle Cure, and Sting. Can ONLY be
purchased in Antiqua for 100 Jewels.
*Water- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Acid Rain, Heal, Corrision,
Sting, Speed, and Regrowth. Can be purchased in Prehistoria- prices
ranging from 20-60 Talons; Antiqua for 40-50
Jewels, and Gothica for 35-50 Gold Coins. It can not be
purchased on Omnitopia.
*Wax- Alchemy ingredient used in formulas Crush, Escape, Flash, Speed,
Stop, and Revealer. Ca be purchased in Prehistoria-
prices ranging from 50-120 Talons; Antiqua
for 50-100 Jewels, Gothica for 60-100 Gold Coins, and it can not be
purchased on Omnitopia.
*Wheel- Rare Item. This item is given to Tinker by you so he can send
you to Omnitopia. This item is found in the Bug Maze where
you had to fight Thraax. But this time you
fight Coelptera.
*Wings- (Not sure)
*Wizard's Coin- This Charm increases Jason's defense against Magic. The
Oglin you rescued from
the Oglin Cave gives it to you in the Dark Forest.
11) Trading Information For Nobila And Gothica
1. A Jade Disk
2. A Sun Stone
3. A Moxa Stick
4. A Silver Sheath
5. A Ruby Heart
6. A Bronze Gauntlet (Gloves Of Ra are better, but don't get rid of the
Moxa Stick)
7. An Obsidian Helmet (To get to the Centurian Helm)
8. A Stone Vest
9. A Centurion Helm
Limestone Tablet- 4 Jars of Spice + 2 Beads Each
Jeweled Scarab- 1 Jar of Spice + 2 Bottles of Perfume Each
Atlas Amulet- 100 Jewels Each
Tapestry- 3 Beads Each
Armor Polish- Silver Sheath + 75 Jewels
Centurian Cape- 1 Jade Disk
Golden Jackal- 5 Jars of Spice + 2 Chickens
Ceramic Pots- 2 Bags of Rice Each
Rice- 9 Jewels Per Bag
Beads- 12 Jewels Each
Beads- 1 Bag of Rice + 3 Jewels
Apraisal- 5 Jewels per Apraisal
Gloves of Ra- 1 Moxa Stick
Chickens- 1 Jar of Spice + 2 Bags of Rice Each
Beads- 10 Jewels Each
Fish- 30 Jewels Each
Magic Gourd- 1 Chocobo Egg
Souvenier Spoon- 2 Jars of Spice Each
Spice- 4 Bags of Rice OR 4 Ceramic Pots
Rice- 3 Jewels per Bag
Rice- 6 Jewels per Bag
Perfume- 3 Bottles of Spice
Spice- 2 Beads OR 3 Ceramic Pots
Jade Disk- 3 Chickens + 3 Beads
Ruby Heart- 1 Moxa Stick OR 1 Tapestry + 1 Jeweled Scarab + 1 Limestome
Obsidian Helmet- 10 Jars Of Spice
Moxa Stick- 2 Chickens + 1 Jeweled Scarab + 12 Jars Of Spice
Silver Sheath- 1 Sun Stone OR 1 Golden Jackal + 10 Jars Of Spice
Bronze Gauntlet- 1 Souvenir Spoon + 2 Tapestries
Stone Vest- 1 Jeweled Scarab
Amulet Of Annhilation- 30 Bags of Rice (Eventually he can be talked
down to 3 Amulets for 1 Bag of Rice! I don't recommend doing this, once
you do, he will no longer trade with you.)
Spice- 20 Jewels
Centurion Helmet- 10 Jars of Spice + 1 Golden Jackal
Thug's Cloak
Oracle Bone
Insect Incense
Chocobo Egg
Thug's Cloak- 8 Bottles of Perfume + 6 Beads
Oracle Bone- 1 Golden Jackal + 1 Jeweled Scarab
Exhibition Ticket- 1 Amulet Of Annhilation
Perfume- 2 Jars of Spice per Bottle
Bazooka Shells (Thunder Ball Shells)- 10 Coins Each
Spice- 12 Coins per Jar
-Alley Traders-
Dragon Helm- 1 Amulet Of Annhilation + 700 Gold Coins
Gold- Plated Vest- 1 Amulet Of Annhilation + 800 Gold Coins
Magician's Ring- 1 Amulet Of Annhilation + 750 Gold Coins
Insect Incense- 3 Bottles of Perfume + 3 Beads
Spice- 8 gold Coins Per Jar
Chocobo Egg (Egg Of The Chocobo)- 9 Bottles of Perfume + 9 Beads
12) Inn Prices
Inn At Fire Eyes' Village- 10 Talons
Volcano Inn- 30 Talons
Inn At Crustacia- 20 Jewels
Inn At Nobila- 30 Jewels
In At Horace's Camp- 20 Jewels
Ivor Tower Inn- 40 Gold Coins
Cecil's Inn/Ebon Keep Inn- 50 Gold Coins
Inn On Omnitopia- Not Sure Yet (Will Be Updated)
13) Bosses
Aegis- Found in town of Nobila, you fight him after Evil Horace takes
the Diamond Eyes.
Aquagoth- Found in the Oglin Cave
Carltron's Robot- End Boss, appears on Omnitopia
Coleoptera (With Heart)- Appears in Prehistoria- the Bug Maze
Foot Knight- Appears on the Chessboard in Gothica
Magmar- Appears in Prehistoria, he is summoned by the Evil Fire Eyes in
the Volcano
Mega-Taur- Appears in the Hall of Colossia
Mephista- Appears with Old Nick in the Puppet Show Room of Ivor Tower
Metal Magmar- You fight him on Omnitopia (Metroplex) before Carltron's
Mini-Taur- Appears in the Hall of Colossia -Mini Boss-
Mungola- Appears With Old Nick and Mephista in the Puppet Show Room of
Ivor Tower
Old Nick- Appears with Old Nick in the Puppet Show Room of Ivor Tower
Rimsala- Appears in the Pyramid
Rimsala's Blue Amulet (Metroplex)- Enough said. -Mini Boss-
Salabog- Appears in Blimp's Bog
Shape Shifter (Bad Boy)- Appears in The Dark Forest, you fight 3 of them
-Mini Boss-
Sterling- Appears on Gomi's Tower (Have to say it, He is ADORABLE!!!)
Thraxx (With Heart)- Appears in Prehistoria -the Bug Maze
Timber Drake- Appaers at the very end of The Dark Forest
Verminator- Appears in Ebon Keep
Vigor- Appears in the Colloseum
14) Complete (To My Knowledge) Monster List- Bosses Included
This list includes Locations of the monsters, the monser's Hit Points
(HP), Experince Points (EXP), and Money (Talons, Jewels, Gold Coins
{GC}, or Credits) received after a battle. All of the monster's HP are
just an approximate amount.
*Aegis Location: Nobila Town Square HP: 3700 EXP: 3040 Jewels:
*Aquagoth Location: Oglin Cave HP: 2500 EXP: 5000 Jewels: 5,000
Bad Dawg Location: Nobila Town Square With Aegis HP: 150 EXP: 20
Jewels: 20
Bad Dog Location: Omnitopia Before Carltron HP: 10,000 EXP: None
Credits: None
Blue Goo Location: Hall Of Colossia HP: 70 EXP: 150 Jewels: 30
Bomb Location: Omnitopia Before Carltron It Just Explodes
Bone Buzzard Location: Nobila Desert, Pyramid HP: 70 EXP: 300
Jewels: 40
*Carltron's Robot Location: Omnitopia HP: 30,000 EXP: None
Credits: None
Carniflower Location: Prehistoria Near Volcano HP: 25 EXP: 6
Talons: 7
*Coleoptera Location: Bug Maze In Bugmuck HP: 6200 EXP: 10,000
Talons: 1,000
Dancin' Fool Location: Outside Horace's Camp HP: 100 EXP: 70
Jewels: 10
Death Spider Location: Before Carltron HP: 6000 EXP: None
Credits: None
Dragoil Location: Gomi's Tower HP: 250 EXP: 150 GC: 60
Fan Location: Omnitopia Before Carltron HP: 2500 EXP: None
Credits: None
Floating Fan Location: Omnitopia HP: 700 EXP: 300 Credits: 10
Flowering Death Location: Greenhouse On Omnitopia Can't Kill
*Foot Knight Location: Chessboard HP: 2500 EXP: 850 GC: 200
Frippo Location: Blimp's Bog HP: 45 EXP: 12 Talons: 19
Gargon Location: Dark Forest HP: 300 EXP: 150 GC: 60
Gore Grub Location: Gomi's Tower HP: 120 EXP: 85 GC: 10
Guard Bot Location: Ivor Tower Dungeon HP: 500 EXP: 500 GC: 20
Hedgadillo Location: Outside Of Ivor Tower HP: 200 EXP: 180 GC:
Lime Slime Location: Hall Of Colossia HP: 80 EXP: 50 Jewels: 30
Mad Monk Location: Near Blimp's Cave In Antiqua HP: 60 EXP: 20
Jewels: 75
Maggot Location: Bugmuck HP: 30 EXP: 4 Talons: 4
*Magmar Location: Volcano HP: 1000 EXP: 500 Talons: 900
Mechaduster Location: Omnitopia HP: 800 EXP: 600 Credits: 280
*Mega-Taur Location: Hall Of Colossia HP: 2500 EXP: 2500 Jewels:
*Mephista Location: Puppet Room Ivor Tower HP: 500 EXP 1,000 GC:
*Metal Magmar Location: Omnitopia Before Carltron
*Mini-Taur Location: Hall Of Colossia HP: 500 EXP: 1000 Jewels:
Mosquito Location: All Over Prehistoria HP: 10 EXP: 1 Talons: 1
Mummy Cat Location: Pyramid HP: 160 EXP: 160 Jewels: 60
*Mungola Location: Puppet Show Ivor Tower HP: 5000 EXP: 8,000 GC:
Neo Greeble Location: Omnitopia HP: 300 EXP: 500 Credits: None
Oglin Location: Oglin Cave, Pyramid Cave HP: 150 EXP: 150
Jewels: 100
*Old Nick Location: Puppet Room Ivor Tower HP: 500 EXP: 1000 GC:
Raptor Location: Near Volcano HP: 50 EXP: 24 Talons: 48
Raptor, Purple Location: Ebon Keep HP: 400 EXP: 290 GC: 480
Raptor, Silver Location: Omnitopia HP: 2000 EXP: 24 Credits: 48
Raptor, Silver Location: Before Carltron HP: 4000 EXP: None
Credits: None
Rat Location: Hall Of Colossia, Ebon Keep HP: 20 EXP: 30 Jewels:
Red Jelly Ball Location: Omnitopia HP: 150 EXP: 1200 Credits: 80
*Rimsala Location: Pyramid HP: 1200 EXP: 1200 Jewels: 1,000
Rimsala's Blue Amulet Location: Omnitopia HP: 2000 EXP: 3000
Credits: 1,000
Rimsala's Blue Amulet Location: Before Carltron HP: 6000 EXP: None
Credits: None
Rogue Location: Near Blimp's Cave In Antiqua HP: 200 EXP: 100
Jewels: 10
*Salabog Location: Blimp's Bog HP: 2000 EXP: 712 Talons: 78
Sand Spider Location: Nobila Desert HP: 60 EXP: 72 Jewels: 10
*Shape Shifter (Bad Boy) Location: Dark Forest HP: 700 EXP: 400
GC: 333
Skelesnail Location: Before Bugmuck Sand Area HP: 30 EXP: 20
Talons: 15
Skull Claw Location: Chessboard Maze HP: 150 EXP: 400 GC: 50
Son Of Anhur Location: Pyramid HP: 300 EXP: 250 Jewels: 250
Son Of Set Location: Pyramid HP: 250 EXP: 120 Jewels: 40
Speaker Location: Omnitopia Before Carltron HP: 1000 EXP: None
Credits: None
Sphere Bot Location: Omnitopia HP: 1000 EXP: 70 Credits: 10
Statue Location: Pyramid
*Sterling Location: Gomi's Tower HP: 3400 EXP: None GC: None
Stone Cobra Location: Pyramid HP: 90 EXP: 100 Jewels: 10
Tar Skull Location: Bugmuck HP: 45 EXP: 22 Talons: 17
Tentacle: Oglin Cave With Aquagoth HP: 200 EXP: 300 Jewels: None
*Thraax (With Heart) Location: Bug Maze In Bugmuck HP: 650 EXP: 500
Talons: 750
*Timber Drake Location: End Of Dark Forest HP: 2000 EXP: 2200
GC: 2,000
Tiny Tentacle Location: Omnitopia HP: 500 EXP: 300 Credits: None
Tumble Weed Location: Nobila Desert HP: 60 EXP: 50 Jewels: 40
*Verminator Location: Ebon Keep HP: 3500 EXP: 1050 GC: 1000
*Vigor Location: Nobila Colosseum HP: 1100 EXP: 1050 Jewels:
Viper (Purple) Location: Volcano, Mammoth Graveyard HP: 90 EXP: 80
Talons: 50
Viper Commander Location: Volcano, Mam. Graveyard HP: 200 EXP: 160
Talons: 200
Widowmaker Location: Mammoth Graveyard HP: 40 EXP: 40 Talons: 12
Will O' The Wisp Location: Blimp's Bog With Salabog HP: 40 EXP: 12
Talons: 12
Will O' The Wisp Location: Appears With Aegis In Nobila HP: 80 EXP:
40 Jewels: 40
Wimpy Flower Location: Prehistoria Before Village HP: 10 EXP: 2
Talons: 2
Wood Mite Location: Dark Forest HP: 200 EXP: 180 GC: 31
15) FAQ- Actual Questions I Have Been Asked
*The Sting Spell?
Well, the Sting spell is found in the Desert on one of the Oasis- but
the problem with him is that he is very random. The first time I played
through the game- I found him the first time I crossed the desert- but I
have yet to find him again. Just keep looking- he may just turn up.
*The Speed Spell?
This one is easy- you find it in the Viper's Volcano. Go to the point
where you have to go through the caves to fight the Viper Commander for
the final Mud Pepper you need to lift the last rock out of your way- an
alchemist is in here- out on a ledge. I'll give exact details soon.
*The six switches?
I'm not sure exactly what this person was talking about, but I can
guess. This must be referring to the Hall Of Colossia- the six switches
after the wooden bridge- this allows you to complete the area and get
the Diamond Eyes.
*The Magic Gourd?
Well the question was is it worth trading for- to give up the Chocobo
Egg for. My answer is simple- the Magic Gourd as far as I know has no
purpose. I wouldn't give up the Chocobo Egg. The Chocobo Egg gives you
more HP and those are important.
*The Killer Plants On Omnitopia?
Now, the question is how to get past the Killer Plants (actually called
Flowering Death). Well, the only way to get past them is to make sure
when you are in the Control Room that you leave the lights to the
Greenhouse off. Don't try to walk through the Greenhouse with the
lights on- the Plants will eat you and they take off 999 HP!- the max
amount of HP!- and they can't be killed.
*The location of the Queen's Key?
It is located in the air vents that Ruminator is able to walk through.
A woman is down there and puts the key around Rumiator's neck- when you
are reunited with Jason, he notices the key around Ruminator's neck. He
takes it off and that gives you access to all the locked doors of the
Ivor Tower. The woman that gives Ruminator the key is in the right hand
section of the vents.
*Where is the Pyramid?
This is an easy question- it is to the South of Horace Highwater's camp.
16) Odds And Ends
This sections is where I put things that seem to have no other place to
go, this section will grow over time. When I find out more little
tidbits. Check back soon!
* Money Conversion Chart:
1 Talon is equal to: 1/2 of a Jewel, 1/4 of a Gold Coin, and 2 Credits
1 Jewel is equal to: 2 Talons, 1/2 of a Gold Coin, and 4 Credits
1 Gold Coin is equal to: 4 Talons, 2 Jewels, and 8 Credits
1 Credit is equal to: 1/2 of a Talon, 1/4 of a Jewel, and 1/8 of a Gold
*This is a list of what can be gained with the Queen's Key:
The alchemy spell Fire Power
A Biscuit
2 Wings
3 Mushrooms
2 Acorns
2 Parts Iron
*This is a list of what Ruminator can sniff for in the rooms the Queen's
Key opens:
4 Parts Brimstone
3 Feathers
6 Parts Ethanol
4 Mushrooms
1 Part Water
6 Parts Root
5 Acorns
1 Part Iron
*Remember, there is a correct way to clear the cells in the Ebon Keep
Dungeon. you must ALWAYS clear the bottom right cell LAST. This cell
will ALWAYS be your exit.
*It is worth it to find the man in the Ivor Tower Sewers, the one that
gives you the spell Corrosion. In the same niche he is in, there are 2
treasure chests. One of which contains 2 Call Beads! (Always stock up
on Call Beads!)
*In the Sewer Access of Ebon Keep (the dried up one), the correct path
almost always has a Blue Goo (monster) on it.
*The correct path in the Bug Maze (in the Bugmuck) almost always has a
Maggot (monster) on it.
*If you kill the Cleaning Guard on Omnitopia (the one that cleans up
after the pre-Carltron fights) the next time he comes in to clean up, he
brings with him a Death Spider.
*In the Ebon Keep Sewer Access, there is a hidden passage leading to two
treasure chests containing Pixie Dust and 1 Part Ash.
*I am still working on finding out about the rumor of a hidden boss on
Omnitopia (Your Cleanliness). I'll keep trying, check back and I'll
update this when I can.
*After you get the Windwalker from Tinker, return to the Nobila Palace.
Horace is there and will give you the alchemy spell Barrier.
*You can talk to the Preacher in Nobila numerous times. But, when he
asks you to turn him into something (chicken, Basket, Goat), DON'T! For
your kindness, he will reward you with various things. I have gotten
things like a Centurian Cape and Bronze Armor.
*I am also working on the Dry Ice rumor. It is rumored that it can be
found on Omnitopia in Ruffelberg's lab. It is said that you should go
there when your level is a multiple of 5 (level 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,
etc....) and go across the room from the left to the right without
stopping and then go up. A cat should appear and Ruminator should chase
it (Now that's original.......). A alchemist is supposed to bring him
back to you, and will sell you Dry Ice. I'm not sure for how much or if
he sells you anything else, but I have seen the cat. But when he
appeared, unfortunately I was talking to the Professor for the first
time and couldn't break off the conversation. I'll have to try it some
more and update this when I get more information.
*There is a hidden swirling whirpool right outside of the side dooor in
Nobila. If you stand there and spin (healing as necessary) for long
enough, you will eventually be sucked down under the sand and it will
say "Received Rice and Spice". You will resurface much like you did in
the Bugmuck from the sand.
*There is armor hidden in the Nobila Dungeon before you figh Vigor. You
can get these things in the Dungeon:
2 Parts Wax
2 Call Beads
A Serpent Bracer
A Bronze Helmet
A Stone Vest
A Petal
I recommend not trading for armor when you first get to Nobila. I have
beaten Vigor with just the stuff I found in the Dungeon. You can trade
for stuff if you want, but it can be done without trading.
*In Lance's House (If you don't touch his treasure before talking with
him) and also in the big house on the top level of Ivor Tower (in the
back of the house, you can reach it from the outside) there is an Amulet
Of Annhilation in each place!
*When trying to get the Horn Spear up to Level 2, I suggest killing
weaker creatures near Fire Eyes' Village (and also taking Ruminator off
attack) so you can kill more monsters and get the spear up to level 2
quickly. You will need the Horn Spear up to level 2 for the battle with
Salabog in Blimp's Bog.
*These are some of the alchemy spells I find essential for the Final
Battle with Carltron:
Speed- It brings your weapon up to full charge almost instantly (good on
Energize- This will make the hits you make (while it is active) very
Defend- it's always good to have a bit of extra protection.....
Crush: I just love this spell. Once up at high levels, it is a potent
17) Author's Notes
Please do not use my FAQ without my permission. Nothing irritates me
more than people using things they have no permission to use. I will
update this as often as I can, or as often as I feel necessary. If you
have any information you feel that I omited or I have made any mistakes,
feel free to E-Mail me: This account will only
be checked once a week (every Monday) so if it takes me a bit to get
back to you this is why.
18) Credits
I have created this Walkthrough/FAQ on my own.... But I still would
like to thank a few important people:
First of all, my loving husband Jason. He helped me through some of the
tough spots, and helped me write things down while I was recovering from
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome surgery. All I could do then was hold a
controller. He was a big part of the note taking stage. My deepest
appreciation goes to him.
I would also like to thank Christoper Colton for allowing me to use his
walkthrough to verify my own. Thanks again Chris.
And last but certainly not least: my parents. When I was a teenager,
they put up with me taking over the televison for hours at a time to
play games. How they put up with me day in and day out I'll never know.
Thanks to all.
This Document Is Copyright 1999 MysteryMoogle